Supporting students in building the Internet of tomorrow

August 21, 2019


Supporting students in building the Internet of tomorrow

Announcing the 2019 NANOG scholarship recipients.

by Brandi Herrera

We believe in fostering the education and professional development of the next generation of engineers, operators, and architects, in service of building the Internet of tomorrow.

To this end, NANOG awards up to four $10,000 scholarships every year to eligible undergrad and graduate students* in network, electrical, or computer engineering; computer science; and telecommunications — providing the critical financial assistance they need to continue their studies.

We're pleased to announce this year's scholarship recipients — four exceptional undergraduate + graduate students from across the country — who are all eager to play a critical role in shaping our rapidly changing Internet ecosystem.

Abha Ahuja Scholarship

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Celine Irvene
Georgia Institute of Technology

Receiving the NANOG Scholarship has been what I can only describe as a perfectly timed blessing. This semester is very crucial for me as I am working on my PhD proposal, and having guaranteed funding to cover educational costs (including equipment) for the year is a major relief. It will allow me to focus primarily on my research, exploring effective security solutions to the problems that rapidly arise in our ever evolving digital world.


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Sydney Pugh
University of Pennsylvania

I am honored and ecstatic to be one of the recipients of a NANOG scholarship. As I enter my doctoral program in computer and information science at University of Pennsylvania, this award will enable me to direct all of my focus on my studies, research, and career development in the vast field of technology and computing. Sincerest thanks to NANOG!


John Postel Scholarship

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Daniel Albrecht
Oklahoma State University

Receiving the NANOG scholarship will allow me to accomplish my goal of gaining a degree in electrical and computer engineering. With the support of NANOG, I am better able to participate in my university and focus on my studies, giving me the ability to pursue my dream career and help to revolutionize the world.


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Chinasa Okolo
Cornell University

I am grateful to have been awarded a scholarship from NANOG. The financial support will allow me to conduct impactful research, broaden my professional and academic network, and support my goals of attaining a PhD in Computer Science and entering academia.


Interested in applying for a NANOG scholarship? Submissions reopen in the spring of 2020. Learn more about applications here, and sign up for our newsletter to be the first to know about the latest NANOG news, programs, and events.

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*NANOG holds one scholarship application period per academic year. The scholarship program is administered by Scholarship America® on behalf of NANOG, and grants awards as stated in the NANOG Bylaws, regardless of sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, age, disability, physical appearance, personal appearance, race, color, national origin, or religion (or lack thereof).



Brandi Herrera

Brandi Katherine Herrera is NANOG's Senior Content Strategist.

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