5 Career Game-Changers for 2022

December 15, 2021


5 Career Game-Changers for 2022

NANOG PC Member Shares Moves that Made his Career

by Elizabeth Drolet

Ognian Mitev-crop

As we edge towards a New Year, whispers of resolutions may be hitting your eardrums. Refining your vision for your engineering career in 2022 is no easy task. 

That’s why we solicited insight from one of our own superstars. NANOG Program Committee vice-chair and Charter Communications sr. director of advanced engineering, Ognian (Ogi) Mitev, shares his top five game-changers that have made his career. 


Find your passion.

“I found computer networking to be my passion and made a living out of it. Doing my job, I get to learn every single day.

Start with why. 

“I learned to think creatively when developing network solutions and solving operational issues. Always start with the 'why'. Think about the big picture and possible dependencies."

Get curious. 

“I dived deep in the fundamental components of networking. Curiosity will take you a long way.” 

Always be learning.

“I kept looking at making improvements and getting better. Take on every opportunity to learn.”  

Give back. 

“I found time to give back. Look for opportunities to help others learn and grow. You will find it rewarding.”

Looking to get involved with NANOG on a broader scale this New Year?

Outreach is one of the most critical facets of NANOG’s mission. We work with universities, affiliate NOGs, and tech communities to bring greater access to our tools, resources, and programming in remote and resource-strapped regions of North America, with a focus on the education and empowerment of students, women, and people of color. Learn more here. 



Elizabeth Drolet

Elizabeth Drolet is NANOG's Multimedia Story Producer

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