P.C. Picks: NANOG 85

June 28, 2022


P.C. Picks: NANOG 85

Programming Committees' Favorite Talks at N85

by Elizabeth Drolet

Hours of ground-breaking industry talks, right at your fingertips!

Not sure where to start in watching your recap of NANOG 85? Don't fret. We saved you the time and asked the NANOG Programming Committee (PC) to select their favorite talks.


James Shank - Team Cymru 

Tutorial: Optical Fiber Capacity Limits - Where Do We Go Next? - I found the tutorial incredibly interesting! Of course, with 90-minute segments, it's always a gamble, but this was packed full of information, and Geoff Bennett did a superb job presenting the content.


Melchior Aelmans - Juniper Networks 


Steve Ulrich - Arista Networks


Alex Latzko - Deft 

Cat Gurinsky - Apple 

  • Global NOG Alliance Task Force: Keep Ukraine Connected -This was probably my favorite from N85, mainly because the war is such a hot topic on the news all the time, and it was fascinating and inspiring to see all the work these people are doing to keep the internet up and running in the middle of war zones. They are doing such incredibly needed work right now. 
  • Panel: World IPv6 Reunion Tour 2022 - This was so great to hear all the stories of the early days of trying to launch IPv6. The spread of panelists was great, too; all had intriguing experiences to share. 
  • Panel: An overview of EU and African NOGS - I loved hearing about the different experiences each group has had in forming their NOG, staying in touch during COVID, and surviving breaks from in-person meetings, and I also found the ENOG disbandment story highly interesting (and sad) as a result of the current war. 
  • The Anatomy of the Most Challenging Network Engineering Interview Question - A follow-up to a prior talk Kam gave and relevant material for those who conduct interviews to consider. This covered many common pitfalls and wrongful assumptions/expectations we have around what a candidate should answer versus the reality of the abundant options of answers.
  • Tutorial: Optical Fiber Capacity Limits - Where Do We Go Next? - This was a very educational talk, even for someone like me who has seen other very in-depth optical tutorials given at prior NANOGs by other speakers. I found Geoff to be a very good speaker, and he was able to keep my attention throughout the entire lengthy but highly detailed tutorial. 


Kam Agahian - Oracle

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Elizabeth Drolet

Elizabeth Drolet is NANOG's Multimedia Story Producer

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