NANOG 86 "PC Picks"

November 9, 2022


NANOG 86 "PC Picks"

PC Member Cat Gurinsky Shares her Favorite Talks at Our Most Recent Meeting

by Elizabeth Drolet

NANOG 86 may be over, but the incredible presentations live on in the digital universe! Check out NANOG TV to see the full playlist.


Don't know where to start watching? The NANOG Program Committee (PC) has you covered! Check out the top picks below from our featured PC member, Cat Gurinsky or curate a list of your own! We will publish your selections as a guest star of NANOG. Email your favorites at [email protected]



Internet Impacts due to the War in Ukraine

CG: The war is a hot global topic in today's world news, so it's even more fascinating to learn the internet's impacts as a direct result of the war. These included purposeful routing changes, fiber cuts, attacks, and more. Not your average NANOG talk!



Native American Nations: The Pandemic was a Catalyst for the Need for Connectivity, but are we Connected yet?

CG: Most of us in North America know very little about the state of connectivity within reservations in Native American nations. This was an excellent talk to give us insight into where things are now and what still has to be done to continue improving their connectivity.



Tutorial: How Optical Networking Transformed Our World

CG: Geoff always gives great talks, and this one was no exception. It was a comprehensive history of optical networking and all the various parts along the way to get where we are now.



The 2022H1 DDoS Threat Landscape Report

CG: If you are curious about DDoS attacks trends, John covered the highlights and what they observed.



Internet Routing and Traffic Security – A view from Cloud and CDN Providers

CG: The panel format contrasting four major companies' viewpoints around their routing and traffic security made it especially interesting to see each one's similarities and differences.



Elizabeth Drolet

Elizabeth Drolet is NANOG's Multimedia Story Producer

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