NANOG 76: Our Meeting Host Welcomes You!

March 5, 2019


NANOG 76: Our Meeting Host Welcomes You!

A conversation with Josh Snowhorn of EdgeMicro.

by Brandi Herrera

We recently spoke with Josh Snowhorn of EdgeMicro, the Meeting Host of our next community-wide gathering.

NANOG meetings offer multiple ways to meet and learn from others working or studying in your field, including sharing the latest technologies, and having meaningful conversations about what’s impacting your daily lives in the various facets of network engineering. NANOG 76 takes place June 10-12, in our nation's historic capital.

Josh Snowhorn.jpg

Please briefly describe EdgeMicro and its services for those who may not already be familiar:

EdgeMicro provides a containerized, modular, colocation solution at the true mobility Edge. This includes siting our units with an interconnection focus at cell tower aggregation hubs, central offices, fiber splice points, and any other location our content clients require.

What is your role there?

I'm a founder of the company, and serve on its board of advisors. My role is to guide strategy, while representing EdgeMicro in public venues.

How were you first introduced to NANOG, and what does the organization mean to you?

I attended my first NANOG meeting in 2001, in Atlanta. I was introduced to the community by Dan Golding, Brandon Ross, and Bill Norton while working at Terremark. I consider this community family, and it warms my heart to watch how it has grown over the years to guide the global Internet.


What’s your favorite aspect of attending a NANOG meeting?

It is the social aspects that I enjoy. Of course, we all discuss issues, and do business. But all of that is tied to the social fabric we have created as a community.

How is EdgeMicro uniquely poised to host NANOG 76?

I am lucky to have hosted so many meetings while at my last two companies, and am fortunate to bring that guidance to this NANOG meeting as well.

What is EdgeMicro’s relationship to Washington DC?

One of our co-founders is based in Northern Virginia. And of course, this area is also the hub of the Internet in the US.

What can our community look forward to experiencing at NANOG 76?

A furthering of the bonds that make our community strong, set in our nation's capital.



Brandi Herrera

Brandi Katherine Herrera is NANOG's Senior Content Strategist.

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